Through the generous bequest gift of Alexander ‘Al’ McPhee provided to the school this past academic year, SMIS was able to accomplish many projects that were pending on the buildings and grounds project list.

The school was first notified of the gift a few weeks before Thanksgiving in 2018. Unbeknownst to staff, Mr. McPhee left the school a $826,000 estate gift. Saddened by the news of the passing of this longtime friend of the school, the school offered a Mass in his name.
When the funds arrived in December, the school first paid off a line of credit debt incurred many years ago, then tucked a portion away for savings, and then began prioritizing the list of projects that could begin when summer rolled around this year.
McPhee became a friend to the school over a decade ago, when he became familiar with SMIS through his other charitable giving. In 2008, he began to give directly to the school, and his gifts grew over time.
According to his published obituary, Mr. McPhee was a beloved Godfather, engineer, wood-craftsman, baker, friend, history buff, avid reader, and fan of Hallmark movies. He passed away on September 25th, 2018, at the age of 70.
He graduated with a degree in chemical engineering from the University of Dayton before serving honorably in the U.S. Army as a Chemical Corps officer. Upon leaving military service, McPhee earned his master’s degree from Purdue University. He worked as an engineer for Procter & Gamble for more than 20 years.
Friends gathered on Saturday, October 6 at All Saints Catholic Parish in Cincinnati, Ohio.
The numerous gifts that were possible through Mr. McPhee’s generosity include: Gym repainting, floor repair, and resurfacing, new bleachers and chairs, renovated restrooms and locker rooms, outdoor gym repainting, and parking lot gravel. Technology infrastructure, including upgrades to the server room and equipment. Campus buildings improvements: painting, roof repair, and new floor installation. Hiring of a capital campaign team to conduct feasibility and campus plan. Pay off of line of credit.
God calls each of us to give. In the New Testament, God himself gave us his only son because he loves us so much, and that his Son died on a cross for us. This sets a model of generosity that God’s people should be sacrificial.
Thank you for the sacrifices you make in your monthly or annual gifts to SMIS.
To discuss leaving a legacy gift to the school or to update your gifting request, please contact the advancement office at (505) 979.5590 ext 3036.