Coronavirus Guidelines for SMIS Community – Letter from the President


 Dear St. Michael Indian School Community, 

I am reaching out on behalf of the entire Cardinal family to assure you that in times of uncertainty surrounding heavily populated areas like school environments, your child’s safety and wellbeing remain our utmost priority—and we are actively engaging in appropriate responses to the emerging Coronavirus (COVID-19) while taking the advice of governments, public health authorities, and medical professionals as we continue to operate our school. 

I would like to share with you a few updates and precautions that we have put into place in response to the Coronavirus: 

 Confident in our care 

Providing safe and clean environments for our students and staff is always a top priority for daily our operation. We remain committed to upholding the highest standards of cleanliness and want you to feel at ease when sending your child to school. As we address Coronavirus guidance, we plan to protect against transmission of the virus by frequent cleaning of high-touch areas, reminding students and staff of hand washing procedures, and no touching. 

What we do: 

 • Disinfection: The custodial and faculty follow an enhanced nightly disinfecting routine in the classrooms and bathrooms. This helps us to combat the common cold and flu viruses throughout the year. 

• Classroom Supplies: Each classroom is equipped with items needed to sanitize on the spot in compliance with chemical safety. Equipment used by many students in classrooms will be wiped after each use (PE equipment, tabletops, chairs, etc.). 

• No Touch: During Mass or prayer services, students and staff are not allowed to shake hands or hug during the sign of peace. Elbow bumps or peace signs are given in lieu of the normal handshaking. 

• Excused Sick Absences: We have the “if you’re sick, stay home” policy in place. Students, teachers, and staff who present fever and/or respiratory infection symptoms are sent home immediately. Students are separated from others until they go home. 

• Preparation for Home Packets: Student packets will be sent home or emailed to the parents in the event of school closure. If you do not have computer access and/or internet access at home, please notify the Principal’s office at 505.979.5590 Ext 3012 by Friday, March 13. 

• Flu Vaccinations and Preventive Measures: We encourage anyone over the age of six months who has not received a flu vaccination to do so. Additionally, follow all preventive steps for combating illness. 


We believe in responsible and safe travel and following the recommended procedures and protocols by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and local authorities. 

• Bus Riding: The buses are disinfected after every use. 

• Athletic Travel: Athletic travel will be assessed case by case, especially when traveling out of our local area. 

• Field trips and Other Miscellaneous travel: Staff and student travel will be assessed case by case for non-contact interaction, exposure, distance, etc. 


We believe in following safety procedures with any person visiting campus. As of March 4, 2020, all outside visitors were prohibited. This includes business related group visits and service trip visits. Limiting the exposure to our school community was considered when making this decision. 

Additionally, there is no access granted to classrooms or student populated areas. This includes parents and extended family who do not have school business to conduct. We appreciate your understanding in this matter. 

Committed to inclusion and respect 

Thank you for your trust and support in St. Michael Indian School. We will keep you updated through challenging circumstances with your child’s safety at the forefront of everything we do. 

Yours in Christ, 

Dot Teso 





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